gematria is an ancient system of assigning numbers to Hebrew letters and calculating numerical values from words or phrases. It is used to search for hidden meanings in the Hebrew Bible, as well as for mystical and kabbalistic purposes. The practice dates back to around 500 BCE, where it was first seen in the Hebrew Bible.
Gematria works by assigning a numerical value to each of the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This numerical value can then be used to create a word's 'gematria' or numerical equivalent. This can be used for several purposes, such as searching for hidden meanings in names or words, or finding associations with other archival texts in the Hebrew Bible. For example the Jewish number 7 is widely associated with creation (7 days to make heaven and earth) and perfection (7 colors of a rainbow). As such when creating its gematria words containing this number have special significance, especially if related back to another text containing thematic connections.
In kabbalistic thought gematria can also be used for spiritual transformations and altered states of consciousness that help bridge an individual's intellect with their physical world. By focusing on specific vibrational frequencies and attaching divine meaning onto certain numbers one can reach self-realization through their spiritual mind – a practice known as 'gematriology'.
Apart from its mystical implications, gematria also has a significant role in Judaism today; however, many find this part of their faith controversial due to its occult connotations. Nonetheless, it continues to be practiced by some who choose to use it mostly for recreational purposes rather than religious ones. Some believe that understanding gematria makes available a deeper meaning behind certain scriptures that would remain hidden otherwise; while others use it simply as an additional source of knowledge or entertainment.
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